The Bandon opened to a roaring flood of over 2.0 metres on February 15th, rendering it unfishable. Since then we have had a further 4 floods. However, in between these events it was possible to go out and wet a line. There have been no reports of fresh fish as of yet but no doubt a few are running with all this water. The best reported catch so far is a 3lb brown trout released on the fly. So far I have released 10 kelts and met a number more. I thought most of them would be gone by now with all the high water but this hasn't been the case as other fishermen have also been meeting a few. Due to the river levels I have been mostly spinning as I want to get the lure down as deep as possible and fish it around slowly. A good tactic has been to cast straight across river or slightly upstream, leave the spinner sink a few seconds, flick over the bale arm and leave it come around like you would a fly. One kelt came to the fly rod but the river has been mostly too high to fish the fly effectively for spring fish. Below are 2 photos of how the river is looking today, February 26th. The first is the "Swimming Pool" above Baxter's Bridge and the next is the "Rocky Hole".
When the water comes down to a more appreciable height I hope the following flies winkle a fresh fish or two out for me.